
Beiträge in wissenschaftlichen Zeitschriften

  • Gao, W., Chamoin, L. and Neuweiler, I. (2025): Non-Intrusive Reduced Basis two-grid method for flow and transport problems in heterogeneous porous mediaJournal of Computational and Applied Mathematics 457
  • Welzel, M., Schendel, A., Satari, R., Neuweiler, I. and Schlurmann, T. (2024): Spatio-temproal analysis of scour around complex offshore foundations under clear water and live bed conditionsOcean Engineering 298
    ISSN: 117042
  • Berkhahn, S. and Neuweiler, I. (2024): Data driven real-time prediction of urban floods with spatial and temporal distributionJournal of Hydrology X 22
    ISSN: 100167
  • Satari, R., Barnapratim, S., Schendel, A., Welzel, M., Krishna, R., Schlurmann, T. and Neuweiler, I. (2024): Hydrodynamics around a jacket-type foundation structure in steady current: A combined experimental and numerical studyOcean Engineering 304
  • Schmidt, G., Niblett, D., Niasar, V. and Neuweiler, I. (2024): Modeling of Pore-Scale Capillary-Dominated Flow and Bubble Detachment in PEM Water Electrolyzer Anodes Using the Volume of Fluid MethodJournal of The Electrochemical Society, Volume 171, Number 7
  • Feng, D. and Neuweiler, I. (2024): A poroelastic δ-SPH model for modeling biofilm deformation and sloughing in microfluidic channelsComputers and Geotechnics 175
  • Krishna, R., Méheust, Y. and Neuweiler, I. (2024): Direct numerical simulations of immiscible two-phase flow in rough fractures: Impact of wetting film resolutionPhysics of Fluids 36(7)
  • Brandhorst N., I. Neuweiler (2023): Impact of parameter updates on soil moisture assimilation in a 3D heterogeneous hillslope modelHydrology and Earth System Sciences 27(6), 1301-1323
  • Waldowski B., E. Sanchez-Léon, O.A. Cirpka, N. Brandhorst, H.-J. Hendricks-Franssen, I. Neuweiler (2023): Estimating groundwater recharge in fully integrated pde-based hydrological modelsWater Resources Research 59(3), e2022WR032430
  • Zhang, L., Yang, Z., Méheust, Y., Neuweiler, I., Hu, R. and Chen, Y.-F. (2023): Displacement Patterns of a Newtonian Fluid by a Shear-Thinning Fluid in a Rough FractureWater Resources Research 59(9)
  • Vereecken, H., Amelung, W., Bauke, S.L., Bogena, H., Brueggemann, N., Monthka, C., Vanderborght, J., Bechold, M., Bloeschl, G., Carminati, A., Javaux., M., Konings, A.G., Kusche, J., Neuweiler, I., Or, D., Steele-Dunne, S., Verhoef, A., Young, M., Zhang, Y. (2022): Soil hydrology in the earth systemNature Reviews Earth and Environment 3(9), 573-587
  • Hidalgo, J.J., Neuweiler I., Dentz, M. (2022): Advective trapping in the flow through composite heterogeneous porous mediaTransport in Porous Media 143(3), 599-618
  • Feng. D., Neuweiler, I. and Huang, Y. (2022): Numerical modelling of wave-porous structure interaction process with an SPH modelScientia Sinica: Physica, Mechanica et Astronomica 52(10), 104715
  • Saemann, R., T. Graf and I. Neuweiler (2022): Performance of nearest neighbour metrics for pluvial flood nowcasts in urban catchmentsJournal of Hydrology 604, 127225
  • Rözer V., A. Peche, S. Berkhahn, Y. Feng, L. Fuchs, T. Graf, U. Haberlandt, H. Kreibich, R. Sämann, M. Sester, B. Shehu, J. Wahl, I. Neuweiler (2021): Impact‐Based Forecasting for Pluvial FloodsEarth's Future 9(2)
    DOI: 10.1029/2020EF001851
  • Brandhorst, N., D. Erdal, I. Neuweiler (2021): Coupling saturated and unsaturated flow: Comparing the iterative and the non-iterative approachHydrology and Earth System Sciences 25(7), 4041-4059
  • Feng, D., I. Neuweiler, R. Nogueira, U. Nackenhorst (2021): Modeling of symbiotic bacterial biofilm growth with an example of the Streptococcus-Veioolonella sp. SystemBulletin of Mathematical Biology 83(5), 48
  • Hidalgo, J. J., I. Neuweiler and M. Dentz (2021): Transport under advective trappingJournal of Fluid Mechanics 907, A36
  • Schalge, B., G. Baroni, B. Haese, D. Erdal, G. Geppert, P. Saavedra, V. Haeflinger, H. Vereecken, S. Attinger, H. Kunstmann, O.A. Cirpka, F. Ament, S. Kollet, I. Neuweiler, H.-J. Hendricks Franssen and C. Simmer (2021): Presentation and discussion of the high-resolution atmosphere-land-surface-subsurface simulation dataset of the simulated Neckar catchment for the period 2007-2015.Earth System Science Data 13(9), 4437-4464
  • Bahlmann, L.M., K.M. Smits, K. Heck, E. Coltman, R. Helmig, I. Neuweiler (2020): Gas Component Transport Across the Soil-Atmosphere Interface for Gases of Different Density: Experiments and ModelingWater Resources Research 56(9), e2020WR027600
  • Schmidt, G., M. Suermann, B. Bensmann, R. Hanke-Rauschenbach and I. Neuweiler (2020): Modeling overpotentials related to mass transport through porous transport layers of PEM water electrolysis cellsJournal of the Electrochemical Society 167(11), 114511
  • Feng D., I. Neuweiler, U. Nackenhorst, T. Wick (2019): A time-space flux-corrected transport finite element formulation for solving multi-dimensional advection-diffusion-reaction equationsJournal of Computational Physics 396, 31-53
  • Peche A., T. Graf, L. Fuchs, I. Neuweiler (2019): Physically based modeling of stormwater pipe leakage in an urban catchmentJournal of Hydrology 573, 778-793
  • Sämann R., I. Neuweiler, T. Graf (2019): Forecasting Pollution Transport in Drainage WaterGreen Energy and Technology, 701-705
  • Sämann R., T. Graf, I. Neuweiler (2019): Modeling of contaminant transport during an urban pluvial flood event – The importance of surface flowJournal of Hydrology568, 301-310
  • Berkhahn, S., L. Fuchs and I. Neuweiler (2019): An ensemble neural network model for real-time prediction of urban floodsJournal of Hydrology 575, 743-754
  • Yang, Z., Y. Meheust, I. Neuweiler, R. Hu, A. Niemi, Y.-F. Chen (2019): Modeling Immiscible Two-Phase Flow in Rough Fractures From Capillary to Viscous FingeringWater Resources Research 55(3), 2033-2056
  • Carstens, J.F., J. Bachmann and I. Neuweiler (2019): A new approach to determine the relative importance of DLVO and non-DLVO colloid retention mechanisms in porous mediaColloids and Surfaces A: Physicachemical and Engineering Aspects 560, 330-335
  • Cremer, C.J.M., I. Neuweiler (2019): How dynamic boundary conditions induce solute trapping and quasi-stagnant zones in laboratory experiments comprising unsaturated heterogeneous porous mediaWater Resources Research 55(12), 10765-10780
  • Carstens, J.F., J. Bachmann, I. Neuweiler (2018): Effects of organic matter coatings on the mobility of geothite colloids in model sand and undistrubed soilEuropean Journal of Soil Science 69(2), 360-369
  • Carstens, J.F., J. Bachmann, I. Neuweiler (2018): Iron oxide colloid mobility as affected by solid matrix wetting propertiesVadose Zone Journal 17(1), 170203
  • Peche, A., T. Graf, L. Fuchs, I. Neuweiler (2017): A coupled approach for the three-dimensional simulation of pipe leakage in variably saturated soilJournal of Hydrology 555, 569-585
    DOI: 10.1016/j.jhydrol.2017.10.050
  • Rath H., D. Feng, I. Neuweiler, S. N. Stumpp, U. Nackenhorst, H. Stiesch (2017): Biofilm formation by the oral pioneer colonizer Streptococcus gordonii. An experimental and numerical studyFEMS Microbiology Ecology 93(3)
    DOI: 10.1093/femsec/fix010
  • Cremer, C.J.M., C. Schuetz, I. Neuweiler, P. Lehmann, E. Lehmann (2017): Unstable Infiltration Experiments in Dry Porous MediaVadose Zone Journal 16(7)
    DOI: 10.2136/vzj2016.10.0092
  • Brandhorst, N., D. Erdal, I. Neuweiler (2017): Soil moisture prediction with the ensemble Kalman filter: handling uncertainty of soil hydraulic parametersAdvances in Water Resources 110, 360-370
  • Carstens, J., J. Bachmann, I. Neuweiler (2017): Effects of flow interruption on transport and retention of iron oxide coloids in quartz sandColloids and Surfaces A 520, 532-543
  • Neuweiler, I., R. Helmig (2017): Debates-Hypothesis testing in hydrology: A subsurface perspectiveWater Resources Research 53 (1), 1784-1791
  • Feng D., I. Neuweiler, U. Nackenhorst (2017): A spatially stabilized TDG based finite element framework for modeling biofilm growth with a multi-dimensional multi-species continuum biofilm modelComputational Mechanics 59(6), 1049-1070
    DOI: 10.1007/s00466-017-1388-1
  • Cremer, C.J.M., I. Neuweiler, M. Bechtold, J. Vanderborght (2016): Solute Transport in Heterogeneous Soil with Time-Dependent Boundary ConditionsVadose Zone Journal 15 (6)
    DOI: 10.2136/vzj2015.11.0144
  • Koutsonyiannis, D., G. Blöschl, A. Bardossy, C. Cudennec, D. Hughes, A. Montanari, I. Neuweiler, H. Savenije (2016): Joint editorial - Fostering innovation and improving impact assessment for journal publications in hydrology.Journal of Hydrology 537, Journal of Hydrology Regional Studies 6, Water Resources Research 52(4), Vadose Zone Journal 15(4), Hydrology and Earth System Sciences 20(3)
  • Dentz, M., I. Neuweiler, Y. Meheust, D.M. Tartakovsky (2016): Noise-driven interfaces and their macroscopic representationPhysical Review E 94(5), 052802
  • Tecklenburg, J., I. Neuweiler, J. Carrera, M. Dentz (2016): Multi-rate mass transfer modeling of two-phase flow in highly heterogeneous fractured and porous mediaAdvances in Water Resources, Volume 91, 63–77
    DOI: 10.1016/j.advwatres.2016.02.010
  • Szymanska, P., A. Szymkiewikc, C. Schuetz, W. Tisler, I. Neuweiler, R. Helmig (2016): Experimental and numerical analysis of air trapping in a porous medium with coarse textured inclusionsActa Geophysica 64(6), 2487-2509
  • Yang Z., I. Neuweiler, Y. Méheust, F. Fagerlund, A. Niemi (2016): Fluid trapping during capillary displacement in fracturesAdvances in Water Resources Research 95(9), 264-275
  • Hendricks Franssen, H.-J., I. Neuweiler (2015): Data assimilation for improved predictions of integrated terrestrial systems, preface of a special issueAdvances in Water Resources 86(B), 257-259
  • Erdal D., M.A. Rahman, I. Neuweiler (2015): The importance of state transformations when using the Ensemble Kalman filter for unsaturated flow modeling: dealing with strong nonlinearitiesAdvances in Water Resources 86, 354-365
  • Erdal D., I. Neuweiler, U. Wollschläger (2014): Using a bias aware EnKF to account for unresolved structure in an unsaturated zone modelWater Ressources Research, Vol. 50, 132-147 | File |
    DOI: 10.1002/2012WR013443
  • Szymkiewicz A., I. Neuweiler, R. Helmig (2014): Influence of heterogeneous air entry pressure on large scale unsaturated flow in porous mediaActa Geophysica, Vol. 62, 1179-1191, 2014
  • Geiger, S., M. Dentz and I. Neuweiler (2013): A novel multirate dual-porosity model for improved simulation of fractured and multiporosity reservoirsSPE Journal 18(4), 670-684
    DOI: 10.2118/148130-PA
  • Tecklenburg J., I. Neuweiler, M. Dentz, J. Carrera, S. Geiger, C. Abramowski and O. Silva (2013): A non-local two-phase flow model for immiscible displacement in highly heterogeneous porous media and its parametrizationAdvances in Water Resources 62 c, pp. 475-485
    DOI: 10.1016/j.advwatres.2013.05.012
  • Kuhlmann, A., Neuweiler, I., Zee, S.E.A.T.M. van der and R. Helmig (2012): Influence of soil structure and root water uptake strategy on unsaturated flow in heterogeneous mediaWater Resources Research 48(2), W02534, doi:10.1029/2011WR010651, 2012
  • Erdal, D., I. Neuweiler and J.A. Huisman (2012): Estimating effective model parameters for heterogeneous unsaturated flow using error models for bias correctionWater Resources Research 48(6), W06530, doi:10.1029/2011WR011062, 2012.
  • Neuweiler, I., D. Erdal and M. Dentz (2012): A non-local Richards equation to model unsaturated flow in highly heterogeneous media under non-equilibrium pressure conditionsVadose Zone Journal 11(3)
    DOI: 10.2136/vzj2011.0132
  • Szymkiewicz, A., Helmig R. and I. Neuweiler (2012): Upscaling unsaturated flow in binary porous media with air entry pressure effectsWater Resources Research 48(4)
    DOI: 10.1029/2011WR010893
  • Lehmann, P., I. Neuweiler, J. Vanderborght and H.-J. Vogel (2012): Dynamics of fluid interfaces and flow and transport across material interfaces in porous media - modeling and observations, Introduction to the Special Issue on Multi Scale InterfacesVadose Zone Journal 11 (3)
    DOI: 10.2136/vzj2012.0105
  • Neuweiler, I., Papafotiou, A., Class, H., Helmig, R. (2011): Estimation of effective parameters for a two-phase flow problem in non-Gaussian heterogeneous porous mediaJournal of Contaminant Hydrology, 120-121, 141-156, 2011.
  • Bolster, D., Neuweiler, I., Dentz, M., Carrera, J. (2011): The impact of buoyancy on front spreading in heterogeneous porous media in two-phase immiscible flowWater Resources Research 47, W02508, doi:10.1029/2010WR009399.
  • Heiß, V.I., Neuweiler, I., Ochs, S., Färber, A. (2011): Experimental investigation on front morphology for two-phase flow in heterogeneous porous media.Water Resources Research, 47, W10528, doi:10.1029/2011WR010612, 2011.
  • Nuske, P., Faigle, B., Helmig, R., Niessner, J., Neuweiler, I. (2010): Modeling gas-water processes in fractures with fracture flow properties obtained through upscaling.Water Resources Research, Volume 49, Number 9, W09528, doi:10.1029/2009WR008076.
  • Matthai, S.K., Nick, H.M., Pain, C., Neuweiler, I. (2010): Simulation of Solute Transport Through Fractured Rock: A Higher-Order Accurate Finite-Element Finite-Volume Method Permitting Large Time StepsTransport in Porous Media, Volume 83, Number 2, 289-318.
  • Fritz, J., Nowak, W., Neuweiler, I. (2009): Application of FFT-based Algorithms for Large-Scale Unversal Kriging Problems,Mathematical Geosciences, Volume 41, Number 5, 509-533.
  • Papafotiou, A., Helmig, R., Schaap, J., Lehmann, P., Kaestner, A., Flühler, H., Neuweiler, I., Hassanein, R., Ahrenholz, B., Tölke, J., Peters, A., Durner, W. (2008): From the pore scale to the lab scale: 3D lab experiment and numerical simulation of drainage in heterogeneous porous media.Advances in Water Resources 31(9), 1253-1268.
  • Class, H., Helmig, R., Neuweiler, I. (2008): Sequential coupling of models for contaminant spreading in the vadose zone.Vadose Zone Journal 7(2), 721-731.
  • Nowak, W., Schwede, R.L., Cirpka, O.A., Neuweiler, I. (2008): Probability density functions of hydraulic head and velocity in three-dimensional heterogeneous aquifers.Water Resources Research 44(8), W08452.
  • Vasin, M., Lehmann, P., Hassanein, R., Kaestner, A., Nowak, W., Helmig, R., Neuweiler, I. (2008): Experiments on drainage of heterogeneous media with different connectivity properties.Advances in Water Resources 31(9), 1205-1220.
  • Schwede, R., Cirpka, O.A., Nowak, W., Neuweiler, I. (2008): Impact of Sampling Volume on the Probability Density Function of Steady-State Concentration.Water Resources Research 44(12), W12433.
  • Neuweiler, I., Vogel, H.-J. (2007): Upscaling of unsaturated flow considering connectivity.Water Resources Research 43(3), W03444, doi:10.1029/2005WR004271.
  • Neuweiler, I., Eichel, H. (2006): Effective parameter functions for Richards equation in layered porous media.Vadose Zone Journal 5, 963-977.
  • Neuweiler, I., Cirpka, O.A. (2005): Homogenization of Richards Equation in Permeability Fields with Di fferent Connectivities.Water Resources Research 41, W02009, doi:10.1029/2004WR003329.
  • Neuweiler, I., Sorensen, I., Kinzelbach, W. (2004): Experimental and theoretical investigations of drainage in horizontal rough-walled fractures with different correlation structures.Advances in Water Resources 27, 1217-1231.
  • Neuweiler, I., Sorensen , I., Kinzelbach, W. (2003): Impact of correlation structure on drainage in open rough-walled fractures.Applied Mathematic and Mechanics 3(1), 28-31.
  • Neuweiler, I., Attinger, S., Kinzelbach W., King, P.R. (2003): Large scale mixing for immiscible displacement in heterogeneous porous media.Transport in Porous Media 51, 287-314.
  • King, P.R., Neuweiler, I. (2002): Probability upscaling.Computational Geosciences 6, 101-114.
  • Attinger, S., Neuweiler, I., Kinzelbach, W. (2001): Macrodispersion in a radially diverging flow field with finite Peclet numbers, 2.: Homogenization theory approach.Water Resources Research 37(3), 495-505.
  • Neuweiler, I., Attinger, S., Kinzelbach, W. (2001): Macrodispersion in a radially diverging flow field with finite Peclet numbers, 1.: Perturbation theory approach.Water Resources Research 37(3), 481-493.
  • Metzger, D., Kinzelbach, H., Neuweiler, I., Kinzelbach, W. (1999): Asymptotic transport parameters in a heterogeneous porous medium: Comparison of two ensemble-averaging procedures.Stochastic Environmental Research and Risk Assessment, 13, 396-415.

Konferenzbeiträge und Vorträge

  • Sämann R., T. Graf, I. Neuweiler (2021): Selecting velocity fields in urban pluvial floods from pre-calculated dataIAHR Europe Congress - Hydro-environment Research and Engineering - No Frames, No Borders, Warsaw, Poland
  • Gao W., I. Neuweiler, U. Nackenhorst, D. Feng (2019): Programming Finite Element with Julia5th ECCOMAS Young Investigators Conference YIC2019, Krakow, Poland, September 1-6, 2019
  • Feng D., I. Neuweiler, U. Nackenhorst, T. Wick (2019): Time-space Flux-corrected Transport Method for Time-dependent Advection-diffusion-reaction Equations: Theory and Applications5th ECCOMAS Young Investigators Conference YIC2019, Krakow, Poland, September 1-6, 2019
  • Berkhahn, S., I. Neuweiler, J. Gräfe, C. Gottlieb (2019): Impact of using moving rain events as input for numerical urban floodsimulationsEGU 04/2019, Poster Programme, Vienna, Austria
  • Schmidt, G., B. Bensmann, M. Suermann, R. Hanke-Rauschenbach, I. Neuweiler (2019): Modeling Mass Transport Overpotentials Arising in Porous Transport Layers of PEM Water Electrolysis CellsModVal 03/2019, Oral presentation, Braunschweig, Germany
  • Schmidt, G., B. Bensmann, M. Suermann, R. Hanke-Rauschenbach, I. Neuweiler (2019): Modeling Mass Transport in Porous Transport Layers of PEM Water Electrolysis CellsInterPore 05/2019, Poster, Valencia, Spain
  • Döring A., I. Neuweiler, L. Grunwald, S. Weber (2019): Quantification of urban-rural water fluxes for different land use scenarios in Lower Saxony, GermanyEGU 2019, Vienna, Austria
  • Brandhorst N., D. Erdal, I. Neuweiler (2018): Handling uncertainty of soil hydraulic parameters using the ensemble Kalman filterCMWR 2018, Saint-Malo, France
  • Berkhahn, S., I. Neuweiler, L. Fuchs (2018): Real-Time Water Level Prediction Based on Artificial Neural Networks11th International Conference on Urban Drainage Modelling, Palermo, Italy
  • Schmidt, G., B. Bensmann, M. Suermann, R. Hanke-Rauschenbach, I. Neuweiler (2018): Multiphase Transport Through Porous PEM Electrolyser Components and Its Influence on Electrochemical PerformanceModVal 04/2018, Poster, Aarau, Switzerland
  • Schmidt G., I. Neuweiler (2018): Characterisation of Two-Phase Flow Within Channels of PEM Water Electrolysis CellsCMWR 07/2018, Poster, Saint-Malo, France
  • Döring A., I. Neuweiler (2018): Generation of Stormwater Drainage Networks Using Spatial DataUDM 2018, Palermo, Italy
  • Döring, A., I. Neuweiler (2017): Quantification of stormwater retention capacity and groundwater quality as ecosystem services in urban environments14th International Conference on Urban Drainage, 9/2017, Prague, Czech Republic
  • Peche, A., T. Graf, L. Fuchs, I. Neuweiler (2017): Coupling Pipe Water and Groundwater to quantify Pipe Leakage4th International Hydrogeosphere User Conference 03/2017, Bayreuth, Germany
  • Cremer, C.J.M., A. Peche, L-B. Thiele, T. Graf, I. Neuweiler (2017): A Bézier-Spline-based Model for the Simulation of Hysteresis in Variably Saturated SoilGU 04/2017, Poster Programme, Vienna, Austria
  • Berkhahn, S., L. Fuchs, I. Neuweiler (2017): Artificial neural network for two-dimensional urban flood simulation and real-time forecasting14th International Conference on Urban Drainage, 9/2017, Prague, Czech Republic
  • Peche, A., T. Graf, L. Fuchs, I. Neuweiler (2017): Urban catchment scale simulation of pipe leakage with OGS-HEOpenGeoSys Community Meeting 2017, 12/2017, Leipzig, Germany
  • Feng D., I. Neuweiler, U. Nackenhorst, M. Stiesch (2017): Mathematical Model and Numerical Simulation of the Formation of a /Streptococcus/ sp. - /Veillonella/ sp.Symbiosis Biofilm System, International Conference on Biomedical Technology 2017 (ICBT17), 11/2017, Hannover, Germany
  • Cremer, C.J.M., I. Neuweiler (2017): Experimental quantification of solute transport through the vadose zone under dynamic boundary conditions with dye tracers and optical methodsEGU 04/2017, Poster Programme, Vienna, Austria
  • Peche A., L. Fuchs, P. Spönemann, T. Graf, I. Neuweiler (2016): Ein voll gekoppeltes Modell zur Quantifizierung von Leckage aus defekten RohrleitungenFH-DGGV-Tagung, 04/2016, Karlsruhe, Germany
  • Cremer, C.J.M., I. Neuweiler, H.J. Vogel, M. Köhne, B. Scharnagl (2016): Laboratory experiments on solute transport in bimodal porous media under cyclic precipitation-evaporation boundary conditionsEGU 04/2016, Poster Programme, Vienna, Austria
  • Peche, A., T. Graf, L. Fuchs, I. Neuweiler (2016): A coupled approach for 3D dynamic subsurface pipe leakage modeling in variably saturated soilOpenGeoSys Community Meeting 2016, 12/2016, Leipzig, Germany
  • Cremer, C.J.M., I. Neuweiler, M. Bechthold, J. Vanderborght (2016): Numerical investigations of solute transport in bimodal porous media under dynamic boundary conditionsEGU 04/2016, Oral Programme, Vienna, Austria
  • Feng D., H. Rath, I. Neuweiler, U. Nackenhorst, N. Stumpp, M. Stiesch (2016): Numerical modeling of bacterial biofilm growth based on an experimental studyECCOMAS Congress 2016 (VII European Congress on Computational Methods in Applied Sciences and Engineering), 6/2016, Crete, Greece
  • Peche, A., L. Fuchs, P. Spönemann, T. Graf, I. Neuweiler (2016): A catchment scale groundwater model including sewer pipe leakage in an urban systemEGU 04/2016, Poster Session, Vienna, Austria
  • Peche, A., T. Graf, L. Fuchs, I. Neuweiler (2016): Upscaling pipe leakage: From single defect to street scale modelingnterPore: First General Assembly of German Chapter 12/2016, Oral Programme, Leipzig, Germany
  • Tecklenburg, J., I. Neuweiler, M. Dentz, J. Carrera (2015): A mobile-immobile model for CO2-sequestration in fractured aquifers7th International Conference on Porous Media & Annual Meeting, Interpore 2015, Poster Programme, 05/2015, Padova, Italy
  • Juan-Lien Ramirez, A., S. Löhnert, I. Neuweiler (2015): Simulation of quasi-static hydraulic fracture propagation in porous media with XFEMEGU, 04/2015, Vienna, Austria
  • Feng D., I. Neuweiler, U. Nackenhorst (2015): Numerical Simulation of 2D Multi-Species Bacterial Biofilm Growth using the Combined TDG-FIC Finite Element MethodVI. International Conference on Computational Bioengineering ICCB 2015, 09/2015, Barcelona, Spain
  • Dentz, M., J. Tecklenburg, I. Neuweiler, J. Carrera (2015): A Multirate-Mass Transfer Model for Multiphase Flow and Transport in Porous MediaAGU Fall Meeting, 12/2015, San Francisco, USA
  • Cremer, C.J.M., I. Neuweiler, M. Bechthold, J. Vanderborght (2015): An effective parameter model to estimate solute leaching rates in the shallow subsurface under dynamic boundary conditionsMusis-Workshop 03/2015, Oral Programme, Potsdam, Germany
  • Neuweiler, I, C.J.M. Cremer (2015): Solute Transport in the vicinity of the soil surface – influence of heterogeneity and time dependent boundary conditions on travel time distributions7th International Conference on Porous Media & Annual meeting, 05/2015, Oral Programme, Padova, Italy
  • Cremer, C.J.M., I. Neuweiler, M. Bechthold, J. Vanderborght (2015): Solute transport with dynamic boundary conditions in a heterogeneous unsaturated porous mediumMusis-Workshop, 03/2015, Poster Programme, Potsdam, Germany
  • Tecklenburg, J., I. Neuweiler (2015): Two phase flow in fractured porous mediaDUMUX User Meeting, 06/2015, Stuttgart, Germany
  • Tecklenburg, J., I. Neuweiler, M. Dentz (2015): Upscaled modeling of two phase flow in fractured porous mediaNUPUS Meeting, 09/2015, Freudenstadt, Germany
  • Peche A., P. Spönemann, L. Fuchs, T. Graf, I. Neuweiler (2015): Coupling OpenGeoSys with HYSTEM-EXTRAN: A model for the simulation of pipe leakage OGS Community Meeting 2015, 12/2015, Leipzig, Germany
  • H. Rath, Feng D., Stumpp N., Neuweiler I., Nackenhorst U., Stiesch M. (2015): A Study on Oral-Disease Relevant /Streptococcus Gordonii/ Bacterial Biofilm Formation with a Combined of Experimental Methods and Numerical Modeling International Conference on Biomedical Technology 2015 (ICBT15), 10/2015, Hannover, Germany
  • Feng D., I. Neuweiler, U. Nackenhorst (2015): Three Dimensional Modeling of Biofilm Growth with A-K Model Using the Combined TDG-FIC Finite Element MethodInternational Conference on Biomedical Technology 2015 (ICBT15), 10/2015, Hannover, Germany
  • Peche A., A. Toewe, L. Fuchs, P. Spönemann, T. Graf, I. Neuweiler (2015): A fully coupled urban subsurface flow model NUPUS 2015, Poster Programme, Freudenstadt, Germany
  • Juan-Lien Ramirez A., S. Löhnert, I. Neuweiler (2015): Quasi-static crack propagation in porous media due to hydraulic pressure within the crackExtended Discretization Methods (X-DMS), 09/2015, Ferrara, Italy
  • Juan-Lien Ramirez A., S. Löhnert, I. Neuweiler (2015): Simlation of hydraulic fracturing in porous media with the XFEMInterpore International Conference, Poster Session, 05/2015, Padova, Italy
  • Schütz, C., Neuweiler, I. (2014): Unstable infiltration fronts in porous media on laboratory scaleThe role of interfaces in flow and transport in porous media, Poster Programme. MUSIS. EGU 04/2014, Vienna, Austria
  • Tecklenburg, J., I. Neuweiler, M. Dentz, J. Carrera, S. Geiger (2014): Applicability of a multirate mass transfer model for immiscible displacement of two fluids to model two phase flow in fractured porous mediaPoster Programme, EGU, 04/2014, Vienna, Austria
  • Cremer, C., I. Neuweiler, M. Bechthold, J. Vanderborght (2014): Solute transport with time-variable flow paths during upward and downward flux in a heterogeneous unsaturated porous medium. The role of interfaces in flow and transport in porous mediaPoster Programme, EGU 04/2014, Vienna, Austria
  • Juan-Lien Ramirez A., S. Löhnert, I. Neuweiler (2014): First steps towards the simulation of hydraulic fracture propagation using the XFEMPoster Programme, CMWR 2014, 06/2014, Stuttgart, Germany
  • Erdal, D. and I. Neuweiler (2013): Using bias aware EnKF to account for model errors caused by unresolved subsurface structureParameter Estimation, Inverse Modelling and Data Assimilation in Subsurface Hydrology, Oral Programme. EGU 04/2013, Vienna, Austria
  • Neuweiler, I., V. Heiss and J. Tecklenburg (2013): Modeling averaged displacement fronts in heterogeneous media with multirate mass transfer modelsThe role of interfaces in flow and transport in porous media, Poster Programme. EGU 04/2013, Vienna, Austria
  • Cremer, C., I. Neuweiler and M. Bechthold (2013): Modeling solute transport in a heterogeneous unsaturated porous medium under dynamic boundary conditions on different spatial scalesThe role of interfaces in flow and transport in porous media, Poster Programme. MUSIS. EGU 04/2013, Vienna, Austria
  • Tecklenburg, J., I. Neuweiler, M. Dentz, J. Carrera and S. Geiger (2013): A multirate mass transfer model for immiscible displacement of two fluids in highly heterogeneous porous mediaModelling and upscaling of CO2 storage sites, Poster Programme. EGU 04/2013, Vienna, Austria
  • Tecklenburg J., I. Neuweiler, M. Dentz, J. Carrera and S. Geiger (2013): Simulation results for a multirate mass transfer model for immiscible displacement of two fluids in fractured porous media, Poster ProgrammeNUPUS Conference 09/2013, Bergen, Norway
  • Erdal, D., Neuweiler, I. and J.A. Huisman (2012): The use of bias correcting error models for estimating effective unsaturated flow parametersParameter Estimation, Inverse Modelling and Data Assimilation in Subsurface Hydrology, Oral Programme. EGU 04/2012, Vienna, Austria
  • Neuweiler, I., Dentz, M. and D. Erdal (2012): A non-local Richards equation to model infiltration into highly heterogeneous media under macroscopic non-equilibrium pressure conditionsThe role of interfaces in flow and transport in porous media, Poster Programme. MUSIS. EGU 04/2012, Vienna, Austria
  • Kuhlmann, A., Neuweiler, I., Zee, S.E.A.T.M. van der, Helmig, R. (2011): Influence of soil structure and root water uptake on time series of pressure head and saturation in the unsaturated zoneModelcare 09/2011. Leizig, Germany
  • Erdal, D., Neuweiler, I. (2011): Parameter estimation for unsaturated flow in heterogeneous porous mediaCombining modeling and measuring to improve understanding of subsurface flow and transport systems. Poster Programme. EGU 04/2011, Vienna, Austria
  • Neuweiler, I., Schütz, C., Dentz, M. (2011): Modeling of infiltration fronts in highly heterogeneous fieldsThe role of interfaces in flow and transport in porous media, Poster Programme. MUSIS. EGU 04/2011, Vienna, Austria
  • Schütz, C., Neuweiler, I. (2011): Spatially averaged water content during infiltration in homogeneous and heterogeneous porous media on the larger laboratory scaleThe role of interfaces in flow and transport in porous media, Poster Programme. MUSIS. EGU 04/2011, Vienna, Austria
  • Papafotiou, A., Ganz, C., Altfelder, S., Noell, U., Neuweiler, I. (2010): Infiltration and Drainage in the Unsaturated Zone: Comparison of Numerical Simulations to a Monitored Field ExperimentMultiphase flow in subsurface systems, Poster Programme. EGU 05/2010, Vienna, Austria
  • Erdal, D., Neuweiler, I. (2010): Parameter estimation for flow in heterogeneous unsaturated porous mediaCombining modeling and measuring to improve understanding of subsurface flow and transport systems, Poster Programme. EGU 05/2010, Vienna, Austria
  • Schütz, C., Neuweiler, I., Lehmann, P., Papafotiou, A., Vontobel, P., Hartmann, S. (2010): Comparison of unstable water infiltration in porous media in 2D and 3D experimentsThe role of interfaces in flow and transport in porous media, Poster Programme. MUSIS. EGU 05/2010, Vienna, Austria
  • Kuhlmann, A., Neuweiler, I., Li, J., Zee, S.E.A.T.M. van der, Helmig, R. (2010): Influence of non-Gaussian soil structure and root uptake strategies on flow in the unsaturated zone (Vortrag)XVIII International Conference on Computional Methods in Water Resources (CMWR). 06/2010, Barcelona, Spain
  • Neuweiler, I., Bolster, D., Dentz, M., Van Noorden, T.L. (2010): Modeling of avaraged saturation for immiscible displacement on a continuum scaleThe role of interfaces in flow and transport in porous media, Poster Programme. MUSIS. EGU 05/2010, Vienna, Austria
  • Neuweiler, I. (2010): Modellierung von Zweiphasenströmung im Untergrund (Vortrag)DPG Tagung, 03/2010, Hannover, Germany
  • Papafotiou, A., Neuweiler, I., Lehmann, P., Or, D. (2009): Hydraulic Coupling Effects on Evaporation From Heterogeneous Porous Media: Experiment and Numerical Simulation.Utrecht Summer School on Role of Interfacial Area in Two-Phase Flow and Transport in Porous Media: Theory-Experiment-Modeling, Poster Session, 07/2009, Utrecht, The Netherlands.
  • Heiss, V., Neuweiler, I., Färber, A. (2009): Front roughness and averaged saturation for immiscible displacement in heterogeneous porous mediaPoster Programme. EGU 04/2009, Vienna, Austria
  • Neuweiler, I., Heiss, V. (2009): The movement of fluid interfaces and their averaged properties during two-phase flow in heterogeneous porous media (Vortrag)SIAM Conference "Mathematical and Computational Issues in the Geosciences", 06/2009, Leipzig, Germany
  • Kuhlmann, A., Neuweiler, I., Zee, S.E.A.T.M. van der, Helmig, R. (2009): Influence of soil structure on water potential in the upper part of the unsaturated zone including root uptakeEGU - General Assembly, 04/2009. Vienna, Austria
  • Kuhlmann, A., Neuweiler, I., Zee, S.E.A.T.M. van der, Helmig, R. (2009): Influence of soil structure on water potential and fluxes in the upper part of the unsaturated zone including root uptakeInternational Conference on Non-linearities and Upscaling in Porous Media, 10/2009. Stuttgart, Germany
  • Papafotiou, A., Lehmann, P., Neuweiler, I., Hartmann, S., Or, D. (2009): Experimental and Numerical Study of Evaporation from Heterogeneous Porous MediaThe role of interfaces in flow and transport in porous media. Poster Programme. MUSIS. EGU 04/2009, Vienna, Austria
  • Papafotiou, A., Neuweiler, I., Mosthaf, K., Shokri, N., Lehmann, P., Schütz, C., Helmig, R., Or, D. (2009): Comparison and validation of different approaches for modeling evaporation fluxes from the soil surfaceThe role of interfaces in flow and transport in porous media. Poster Programme. MUSIS. EGU 04/2009, Vienna, Austria
  • Papafotiou, A., Lehmann, P., Neuweiler, I., Hartmann, S., Or, D. (2009): Evaporation from Heterogeneous Porous Media: Comparison of Experiment and Model Scenarios.Workshop on Unstable and Preferential Flow in Porous Media, 04/2009, Monte Verita, Switzerland.
  • Papafotiou, A.; Neuweiler, I.; Helmig, R.; Schaap, J.; Kaestner, A.; Lehmann, P.; Flühler, H.; Hassanein, R.; Ahrenholz, B.; Tölke, J.; Peters, A.; Durner W. (2008): From the Pore to the Laboratory Scale: Predicting Flow Behavior for Drainage and Imbibition in Heterogeneous Porous Media.AGU Fall Meeting 2008, Poster session, 12/2008, San Francisco, USA
  • Neuweiler, I. (2008): Upscaling of two-phase flow in continuous heterogeneous parameter fields: The importance of connectivity (Vortrag)Euromech Conference, 06/2008, Nancy, France
  • Kuhlmann, A., Neuweiler, I., Zee, S.E.A.T.M. van der, Helmig, R. (2008): Effect of soil heterogeneity and root water uptake on flow in the vadose zoneComputational Methods in Water Resources (CMWR) XVII International Conference, 07/2008. San Francisco, USA
  • Neuweiler, I., Heiss, V. (2008): Homogenization of two-phase flow processes in porous media with different structures (Vortrag)XVII International Conference on Computational Methods in Water Resources, 07/2008, San Francisco, USA
  • Neuweiler, I., Kuhlmann, A,, Attinger, S. (2008): Stochastic modeling of water balances with root uptake in a layered medium (Vortrag)International Workshop on Root Modeling, 09/2008, Wageningen, The Netherlands
  • Neuweiler, I., Heiss, V. (2008): Front roughness and averaged saturation for immiscible displacement in heterogeneous porous media (Vortrag)AGU Fall meeting, 12/2008, San Francisco, USA
  • Papafotiou, A., Neuweiler, I., Helmig, R., Schaap, J., Lehmann, P., Flühler, H., Hassanein, R., Ahrenholz, B., Tölke, J., Peters, A., Durner, W. (2007): Predicting flow behavior for drainage from the pore to the laboratory scale.Marie Curie workshop on Flow and Transport in Industrial Porous Media, 12. - 16. November 2007, Utrecht, The Netherlands.
  • Neuweiler, I. (2007): Homogenization of gas-water flow processes in porous media (Vortrag)International Congress of Industrial and Applied Mathematics, 07/2007, Zürich, Switzerland
  • Neuweiler, I., Nowak, W. (2007): The relation between connected patterns in heterogeneous soil and solute transport models in the unsaturated zone (Vortrag)AGU Fall meeting, 12/2007, San Francisco, USA
  • Neuweiler, I., Vogel, H.J. (2006): Influence of soil connectivity on upscaled models for unsaturated flow (Vortrag)Workshop "Multi-Scale Modeling of Flow and Transport in Porous Media", 04/2006, Ascona, Switzerland
  • Neuweiler, I. (2006): Upscaled models and effective parameters for unsaturated flow including connective paths of the soil structure (Vortrag)Workshop "Preferential Flow and Transport Processes in Soil", 11/2006, Ascona, Switzerland
  • Neuweiler, I., Cirpka, O. (2005): Impact of soil structure on effective parameters for Richard's equation (Vortrag)EGU 04/2005, Vienna, Austria
  • Neuweiler, I. (2005): Spreading of Averaged Fluid Interfaces in Immiscible Displacement Problems (Vortrag)SIAM Conference "Mathematical and Computational Issues in the Geosciences", 06/2005, Avignon, France
  • Neuweiler, I., Cirpka, O. (2004): Statistically averaged parameter functions for Richard's equation (Poster)Gordon Research Conference "Modelling of Flow in permeable media", 07/2004, Oxford, UK
  • Neuweiler, I., Cirpka, O., Eichel, H., Helmig, R. (2004): Upscaling of DNAPL infiltration into heterogeneous soil with different connectivity properties (Vortrag)Eurosoil Conferencde, 09/2004, Freiburg, Germany
  • Neuweiler, I., Sorensana, I., Kinzelbach, W. (2003): A model for drainage in horizontal rough walled fractures (Vortrag)Meeting of the Gesellschaft für Angewandte Mathematik und Mechanik, 03/2003, Abano Terme, Italy
  • Neuweiler, I., Attinger, S., Kinzelbach, W. (2001): Large scale mixing for immiscible displacement in heterogeneous porous media (Vortrag)SIAM Conference "Mathematical and Computational Issues in the Geosciences", 06/2001, Boulder, USA


  • Satari, R., Welzel, M., Schendel, A., Neuweiler, I. and Schlurmann, T. (2023): Spatio-temporal analysis of scour around jacket type offshore foundations under clear water and live bed conditions. Proceedings of the 37th Coastal Engineering ConferenceSydney 2022
  • Berkhahn, S., R. Sämann, B. Shehu, I. Neuweiler and U. Haberlandt (2020): Unvertainty of real-time prediction for pluvial Urban floods: A case studyProceedings of the 29th European Safety and Reliability Conference, ESREL, Hannover
  • Döring, A., I. Neuweiler (2019): Generation of stormwater drainage networks using spatial data.Green Energy and Technology (Conference Paper), 576-581
  • Sämann, R., I. Neuweiler, T. Graf (2019): Forecasting pollution transport in drainage waterGreen Energy and Technology (Conference Paper), 701-705
  • Feng D., I. Neuweiler, U. Nackenhorst (2018): A time‐space FCT‐FE formulation for 1D time dependent advection‐diffusion equationProceedings in Applied Mathematics and Mechanics
  • Fuchs, L., T. Graf, U. Haberlandt, H. Kreibich, I. Neuweiler, M. Sester, S. Berkhahn, Y. Feng, A. Peche, V. Rözer, R. Sämann, B. Shehu, J. Wahl (2017): Real-Time Prediction of Pluvial Floods and Induced Water Contamination17th International Conference on Urban Drainage, 9/2017, Prague
  • Bolster, D., Neuweiler, I., Dentz, M., Carrera, J. (2010): Spreading of multiphase flows in heterogeneous porous media under the influence of bouyancyXVIII International Conference on Computional Methods in Water Resources (CMWR). 06/2010, Barcelona, Spain
  • Neuweiler, I., Schütz, C., Papafotiou, A., Mosthaf, K., Vontobel, P., Helmig, R. (2010): Modeling of infiltration fronts in heterogeneous porous mediaXVIII International Conference on Computional Methods in Water Resources (CMWR). 06/2010, Barcelona, Spain | File |
  • Neuweiler, I. (2010): Modelling of flow and transport in heterogeneous structures2nd International Conference on Coal Fire Research, 05/2010, Berlin, Germany (ISBN 978-3-86012-397-3)
  • Graf, T., Simmons, C.T., Boufadel, M.C., Neuweiler, I. (2010): Movement of dense plumes in variably sagurated porous media: Numerical model and results.XVIII International Conference on Water Resources (CMWR) 06/2010, Barcelona, Spain | File |
  • Heiss, V., Neuweiler, I., Färber, A. (2008): The influence of heterogeneous structure on the spatially averaged fluid distribution during immiscible displacementIAHR International Groundwater Symposium: Flow and Transport in Heterogeneous Subsurface Formations: Theory, Modelling and Applications (18. - 20. Juni 2008, Istanbul)
  • Neuweiler, I., Vasin, M. (2006): Upscaling methods for unsaturated flow in media with connected flow paths.Proceedings of the 16. International Conference on Computational Methods in Water Resources, Copenhagen, Denmark.
  • Neuweiler, I., Vasin, M., Hassanein, R., Kästner, A., Lehmann, P. (2006): Einfluss von Heterogenitäten auf die Strömung in teilgesättigten porösen Medien - Experimentelle Untersuchungen.VEGAS - Statuskolloquium 2006, Editor: Braun, J., H.P. Koschitzky and M. Stuhrmann, Institut für Wasserbau, 150, 32-41.
  • Neuweiler, I., Zhu, W., Färber, A. (2005): Experimentelle Untersuchung von langsamer DNAPL In filtration in heterogene poröse Medien mit definierter Struktur. Editor: Braun, J., Koschitzky, H.P. and M. Müller, Ressource Untergrund, 10 Jahre VEGAS: Forschung and Technologieentwicklung zum Schutz von Grundwasser und Boden. Institut für Wasserbau, 145, 141-150.
  • Neuweiler, I., Cirpka, O.A., Eichel, H., Helmig, R. (2004): Infiltration of DNAPL into heterogeneous water-saturated soil with different connectivity properties.Proceedings of the 15. International Conference on Computational Methods in Water Resources, Editor: Müller, C.T., Farthing, W.F., Gray, W.G. and G.F. Pinder, Elsevier Science Publishers B.V., Chapel Hill, North Carolina, 313-324.
  • Neuweiler, I., King, P.R. (2002): Coarse graining of the solute concentration probability distribution for advective transport in porous media.Proceedings of the 14. International Conference on Computational Methods in Water Resources, Editor: Hassanizadeh, S.M., Schotting, R.J., Gray, W.G. and G.F. Pinder, Elsevier Science Publishers B.V., Delft, 1147 - 1154.
  • Neuweiler, I., Kinzelbach, W. (2000): Two-phase flow processes in porous media producing geometric patterns.Proceedings of Third International Conference on the Interaction of Arts and Fluid Mechanics, Zürich, February.
  • Kinzelbach, W., Niehren, S., Neuweiler, I. (1995): Modeling of Colloid Transport and Colloid Facilitated Transport of Pollutants.Proceedings of Workshop Colloids in Groundwater, Geneva, October.


  • Papafotiou, A., Lehmann, P., Neuweiler, I., Hartmann, S., Vontobel, P., Or, D. (2009): Hydraulic Coupling Effects on Evaporation from Heterogeneous Porous Media.Paul Scherrer Institute (PSI) experimental report, Proposal-Nr. 20080081, July 2009.
  • Papafotiou, A, Manthey, S., Eichel, H., Neuweiler, I., Helmig, R. (2008): First-principle-based Modeling of Transport in Unsaturated Media ( FIMOTUM): Subprojekt III, Abschlussbericht.Institut für Wasserbau, Universität Stuttgart, Jan.

Bücher und Buchbeiträge

  • Peche A., T. Graf, L. Fuchs, I. Neuweiler, J. Maßmann, M. Huber, S. Vassolo, L. Stoeck, F. Lindenmaier, C. Neukum, M. Jing, S. Attinger. (2018): Coupling OpenGeoSys and HYSTEM-EXTRAN for the Simulation of Pipe Leakage, HH Processes.Kolditz O., Nagel T., Shao H., Wang W., Bauer S. (eds) Thermo-Hydro-Mechanical-Chemical Processes in Fractured Porous Media: Modelling and Benchmarking. Terrestrial Environmental Sciences. Springer, Cham.
    DOI: 10.1007/978-3-319-68225-9
  • Berkhahn, S., I. Neuweiler, L. Fuchs (2018): Real-Time Water Level Prediction Based on Artificial Neural NetworksNew Trends in Urban Drainage Modelling, 603-607, Springer, Cham
    DOI: 10.1007/978-3-319-99867-1
  • Peche A., T. Graf, J. Kidmose, H. Christiansen Barlebo, L. Fuchs, I. Neuweiler (2018): Modeling Storm Water Pipe Leakage: Transient vs. Steady-State Groundwater FlowNew Trends in Urban Drainage Modelling, 603-607, Springer, Cham
    DOI: 10.1007/978-3-319-99867-1
  • Feng, D., H. Rath, I. Neuweiler, I., N. Stumpp, U. Nackenhorst and M. Stiesch (2018): A deeper insight of a multi-dimensional continuum biofilm growth model: Experimental observation and parameter studiesLecture Notes in Applied and Computational Mechanics 84, 257-272
  • Feng D., H. Rath, I. Neuweiler, N. Stumpp, U. Nackenhorst, M. Stiesch (2017): A Deeper Insight of a Multi-dimensional Continuous Biofilm Growth Model: Experimental Observation and Parameter Studies.Biomedical Technology 84/Lecture Notes in Applied and Computational Mechanics/ Aug. 2017. Publisher: Springer, Editors: Peter Wriggers and Thomas Lenarz, 257-272
    ISBN: 3319595474